Equipment > Components > Chains > Chain Links / Pins

All Campagnolo 11-speed chains are joined by a specific Ultra-Link 11-speed Campagnolo Chain Pin. There is no approved substitute or link. Use of any such product will void Campagnolo's warranty. That is the hard line, but that is a fact. There are also many chain tools on the market that have been designed to break and connect Campagnolo 11 chains, and while most are adequate, here in the Excel Sports shop we only use the Campagnolo UT-CN300 11 Speed Chain Tool. The precision of the tool is optimal, and it has the requisite peening tool for properly installing and securing this steel, silver 5.4mm 11 Speed Chain Pin.
There are strict guidelines and instructions for installing this chain pin and failure to do it properly can result in a terrible accident. That said, when done properly, the pinned and peened link is as strong as any on the complete chain. We have attached a very detailed video for installation with the UT-CN300 on this page, and Campagnolo provides directions with new chains. If you don't have the proper tool, experience or instructions, please have your local qualified Campagnolo mechanic do the job for you.
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- Single Ultra-Link 11-speed Campagnolo Chain Pin
- Steel pin, with removable end, 5.4mm finish length
- Pin must be installed to exact specifications
- End must be peened with proper tool for safe use
- We highly recommend the UT-CN300 11 Speed Chain Tool
- Otherwise, have a qualified Campagnolo mechanic size and install your chain
- Sold as a single pin