Equipment > Accessories > Tools / Maintenance > Tools > Disc Brake Tools

When you are servicing Campagnolo's road hydraulic disc brake systems (11s,12s, 13s), there is a specific procedure for ensuring you have used the proper amount of Campagnolo's mineral oil hydraulic fluid. Resembling a "bleed block" the Campagnolo Oil Level Tool fits into the disc caliper while installing or bleeding to give you an accurate measure of the set-up process. It replaces the Campy road brake pads pads, and has a 1.85mm rotor slot. Once installed in the caliper, you have no moving parts and won't risk getting mineral oil on the pads. Always clean your rotor after use, just in case.
Machined from aluminum, the DB-011 Oil Level Tool (replaces DB-010) may seem like overkill, but is essential, eliminating a guessing game when servicing these hydraulic disc brakes. Anodized in blue, or quick and obvious recognition, this small tool should live with all of your Campagnolo road hydraulic disc tools and fluid so you will equipped and ready to get to work when your brakes need service.
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- Simple, "bleed block" style insert tool ensures accurate oil level
- For installation and bleed/service of 11s/12s/13s road disc brake systems
- Used for Campagnolo road disc brake calipers in place of pads
- Machined 1.85mm rotor slot
- Locking pin holes
- Anodized Blue machined aluminum