Equipment > Accessories > Lights / Radar > Lights - Accessories

The clever Rear Light Mount 003 Cervelo developed for the release of the Caledonia-series bikes uses a two-piece system, the structural mount replaces the rear saddle rail clamp of the SP18 or SP19 Cervelo seatposts, or many FSA type rail clamps with individual pieces. The once mounted with the saddle in place, the rear clamp is super stable. An integrated extension mounts via a GoPro style system and acts as an adjustable but secure pivot for a rear GoPro camera or rear lighting system that features a GoPro mount interface.
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- Rear light mount kit designed for Cervelo SP18, SP19 and other FSA clamp head seatposts
- Designed and released with Caledonia frame/bike models
- Mount piece replaces rear seatpost rail clamp, then extension mounts to it
- Set-up utilizes a GoPro style mount system for lights, sport camera
- Seatpost rail clamp rear mount piece, accessory extension, 2 bolts
- Cervelo# MT-LM-R-003
- Color: Black