Equipment > Accessories > Tools / Maintenance > Lubricants / Cleaners > Lubricants / Oil

Have you ever opened up a bearing seal and and wondered how the grease got so chunky and stiff?Traditional viscosity grease is designed for heavy use and high heat, but can easily thicken and get sticky, especially in colder temperatures. Dumonde Tech's Liquid Grease offers the same or better protection, but delivers exceptionally low drag at any temperature. Dumonde uses a polymer technology that bonds to the bearing, retainer, and seal surfaces. Once the grease polyermizes and bonds, the surfaces are both slick and protected for long hours of use. There is no need to pack in extra grease. Actual use of the bearings is the ideal way to work the grease in, and to start the bonding process because heat is what distributes and activates the grease best, working its way into all surfaces and bonding in all critical locations- places you can't even see or easily apply standard grease.
Liquid Grease is ideal for steel and ceramic cartridge bearings, suspension fork legs, full suspension pivots, cables, wheel bearings and roller bearings. Apply sparingly and let heat do the work. Don't feel the need to pack grease in or over fill. You will just be wasting a great product. Anyone who services bikes, especially bearings, will come to truly appreciate the sheer effectiveness of Liquid Grease.
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- Liquid-form grease replacement for traditional viscosity products
- Polymerizes and bonds to the surface providing extremely low drag
- Bonding and distribution process activated by heat (through usage)
- Recommended for steel and ceramic cartridge bearings
- Can even be used as a chain lube for extreme conditions