Equipment > Accessories > Drivetrain Misc / Small Parts > Seatpost

The patent-pending design of the latest Enve Carbon Seatpost head is a 2-bolt system that is fully secure when torqued in place, and easy to adjust when loosened. This kit replaces the full hardware set of the post head. As with the seatpost itself, the kit is delivered with two upper rail cradles. One cradle accommodates standard round rail saddles while the other cradle may be used with oversize saddle rails. Seatpost cradles and wedges are made from cold-forged aluminum while the bolts are made of stainless steel for long term performance and reliability.
It may be uncommon to replace the whole assembly, but it is conceivable that one could lose or damage a part, or lose track of the second upper rail cradle. Enve offers the complete kit so you have everything you need to rebuild or service the head unit. Torque specification (5.5Nm) and the two upper cradles are clearly marked. Assembly is straightforward. The Enve Carbon Seatpost is a premium post with 0-27 degrees of adjustment range and you can keep it working properly with this hardware kit.
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- Full replacement hardware kit for Enve's 2-bolt Carbon Seatpost
- Patent-pending design uses opposing wedges and a cradle system
- Two upper cradles are included: one for 7mm rails, one for 7x9mm oval rails
- Stainless steel bolts for longevity and corrosion resistance
- Pieces clearly marked where required
- Always tighten with torque within proper spec, Max torque 5.5Nm
- Enve SKU# 300-1008-016