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As a rule, cyclists take drinking coffee seriously. While there may be times when an espresso is more appropriate, when you want to sit and relax for a while and sip a more substantial cup of coffee, opt to show your Excel Sports fealty with this 16oz Excel Sports Coffee Mug. The simple black exterior color is set-off with our logo in white, which matches the inside color. This start contrast looks great on the counter at home, on your desk at work, or resting precariously in your cup holder as you scramble to an early morning group ride or call-up. Keep your style simple, your support for Excel Sports clear, and your caffeine requirements topped off with the 16oz Excel Sports Coffee Mug.

Makes a great gift for any cyclist, or just grab a half dozen to create a set.

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  • Excel Sports log coffee mug
  • Black, with contrasting white log, white interior color
  • 16oz capacity
  • D-style handle for easy grip, firm control, more spill resistance
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