Nutrition > Drink Mix Tablets

Hammer Endurolytes Fizz tablets provide the quality and effectiveness that you've come to expect from Endurolytes in convenient effervescent tablets. Just dissovle in water for a great tasting drink that provides an electrolyte boost.
An Endurolytes Fizz tablet is equivalent to approximately two Endurolytes capsules, with each tablet scribed across the middle. This allows you to easily break the capsule in half in the event that you want a half-tablet dose, which would be equal to approximately one Endurolytes capsule.
Cramping is your body's final warning signal that you're on empty electrolyte wise. However, your performance is deteriorating and you are slowing down long before you feel the slightest twinge of a cramp. To keep your body's muscular, digestive, nervous, and cardiac systems firing on all cylinders you need a consistent supply of all electrolytic minerals, not just sodium and potassium. Plus, in many instances, you require greater volumes of electrolytes than any sports drink or gel can provide. Return to Top
Nutrition information: 10 calories, 650% B6, 100mg Calicuim, 50mg magnesium, 60mg Cloride, 200mg Sodium, 100mg Potassium, 3mg Manganese