Nutrition > Supplements

Hammer Tissue Rejuvenator is an amazing blend of ingredients designed to maintain and improve joint function combined with anti-inflammatory support. Any athlete with joint pain should try this product. At less than 30 dollars a bottle, it just might be the best bargain in sports medicine out there that will keep you going pain free for more miles.
Joint support is achieved with 500 mg each of glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate and Methylsulfonylmethane (better known as MSM). Undenatured Type II Collagen (UC-II™) is a patented, extensively studied dietary ingredient. A complex process called oral tolerization, UC-II works with the immune system to promote healthy joints and increase joint mobility and flexibility. A potent enzyme blend of peptidase, bromelain, papain, amylase, lipase, cellulase, and phytase not only aids in the complete absorption of the nutrient components in the product, it provides its own potent anti-inflammatory benefits.
Tissue Rejuvenator contains 5 specific ingredients that are regarded as anti-inflammatories with many other potential benefits. It would cost a small fortune to buy all these separately, but the nutritional scientists at Hammer have combined the best natural anti-inflammatories for you. Boswellia serrata may help breathing while Devil's Claw may be useful for stomach upset. Yucca Root can give temporary relief from arthritis symptoms and Turmeric provides liver support and antioxidant properties. Quercetin is also an antioxidant in addition to sharing the anti-inflammatory properties.
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- Anti-inflammatory support
- Promotes joint integrity & mobility
- Aids in natural tissue repair
- Allows reduced NSAID use