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The simplest, yet effective method of bike storage is the use of wall mounted hook, which is generally done to hang a bike vertically by a wheel. The most common hook used is designed to thread directly into wood walls, frames or studs. Park Tool has always provided bike storage hook options to bike shops and consumers and the Threaded Storage Hook has been the most popular with consumers. Now Park offers this 471 Oversize Threaded Storage Hook, which is capable of accommodating larger mountain bikes.

The 471 Oversize has a larger hook shape with 2.96" max width within the hook zone, ideally for tires up to about 2.5". The inside depth of the hook is 5.9", so side access is very reasonable when positioning for hanging. Park coats the steel hook with a durable vinyl that will help protect your rim finish and structure. The threaded zone is not covered, and the wood screw thread is nominally 11.4mm outside diameter (15/32"), with 7 threads per inch. The best way to thread the hook into a wood surface is to use a minimum of 11/32" drill bit size to drill a pilot hole. Then, depending on the hardness of the wood, you can generally turn the hook by hand.

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  • Oversized wood thread storage hook ideal for hanging bikes, wheels
  • Steel hook is Park Tool Blue vinyl coated to protect rim surface
  • Hook inner dimensions: 2.96" (at widest point) x 5.9" actual inside J depth)
  • Thread detail: nominally 11.4mm outside diameter (15/32"), with 7 tpi
  • Use an 11/32" drill bit to drill a pilot hole before threading in the hook by hand
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