Equipment > Accessories > Tools / Maintenance > Tools > Bottom Bracket / Cassette Tools

Nearly 12" long, with dual tool ends that allow you to remove several sizes of fixed gear lockrings and some single-speed cassette hubs, the Park HCW-17 Fixed Gear Lockring Wrench delivers the firm fit and leverage required to get the job done. Working on the narrow interfaces of fixed gear lockrings, those are two qualities you will soon appreciate. The HCW-17 fits lockrings with an outside diameter of 41, 42, 43, and 44mm. The tool ends feature two different radius hooks for a precise fit on any of those sizes, as well as the much rarer external notch single speed cassette hub lockrings.
Made from hardened, plated steel, with precise radii and hook ends, the HCW-17 was designed for years of shop use, and will provide most track or single-speed cyclists with a lifetime of confident lockring removal and fastening. Pro tip: always grease your threads for both cog and lockring, as well as where the faces of the two meet.
Return to TopFeatures
- Dual-end lockring wrench designed for fixed gear hub use
- Features two tool ends with different radius hooks for a precise fit
- Sized to fit rings with an outside diameter of 41, 42, 43, and 44mm
- Also fits single speed cassette hubs using lockrings with external notches
- Hardened, plated steel construction
- 11-5/8" (29cm) in length for excellent leverage