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Equipment > Accessories > Tools / Maintenance > Tools > Headset / Hubs Tools


Originally designed to be Park's home mechanic headset cup pres tool, Park renamed the HHP-3 as the Home Mechanic Bearing Cup Press because other uses are now as common as headset cup installation. Simple and economical, the HHP-3 is designed to install all sizes of head cups (1" to 1-1/2") and BMX bottom bracket cups. Most importantly it also presses BB30 and BB90 (BB86, or BB92) system cups, preferably with the proper bushings. A serviceable choice for the home mechanic occasionally needing a cup or bearing press where the pro tech level HHP-2 might be considered overkill. The thread of the HHP-3 is 5/8" diameter (nominally 16mm) .

This tool is perfect for home mechanics who take a little care when working on their own bikes and also is a great complement to the BBT-90.3 system for PressFit bottom bracket styles.

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  • Cost effective, fully capable home mechanic grade head and bottom bracket bearing cup press for occasional use
  • Simple threaded rod design and steel construction with vinyl coated handles
  • Installs all sizes of head cups (1" to 1-1/2")
  • Also presses BB30 and BB90 (BB86, or BB92) PressFit system cups
  • Threaded rod has a 5/8" diameter (nominally 16mm)
  • HHP-3 has a maximum working length of 385mm
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