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Equipment > Components > Tires > Gravel


Please note: In compliance with UCI Regulations, Ritchey will be making a running change throughout 2025 to all WCS product logos. To identify an authentic Ritchey WCS product, the new logo will feature the same font type as before but each of the five stripes will now be a uniform shade of metallic gray. Unfortunately, we do not have control over the shipping of WCS products during the logo transition, and therefore cannot guarantee which WCS logo will appear on any purchased WCS product(s).

The WCS Alpine JB is a solid choice when looking for a tire with the range of smooth roads to rougher terrian, including maintenance roads or long stretches of rubble. This WCS level tire features Ritchey's Stronghold casing which is a standard non-tubeless casing in 30c and tubeless-ready in the 35c width.

The Stronghold casing is rated to 120tpi and features a vectran analisys VFA tread design. The recessed tread in the rubber greatly improves performance due to the non-pretruding inverse tread. Rolling resistance is quicker and smoother compared to a traditional knobbed tire, with all the grip you need for this tires designation.

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  • WCS Stronghold 120tpi casing
  • 30C non-tubless casing
  • 35C tubless-ready casing
  • VFA tread design
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