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The Ritchey Break-Away system has been hailed for it's simplicity, strength and low cost. There few parts that are specific to Break-Away's that are absolutely required, but when you need them, you can't substitute any other product. The Down Tube Hinge Clamp is one, and we highly recommend you travel with a spare and always have an extra at home. Without it, the patented locking compression system is worthless. Why have spares? One, the part is fairly small and easy to misplace. Two, it is not impossible to damage or strip the bolt or clamp. Rare, but not impossible, so you don't want to find this out while in your hotel in France. Three, you ride without the clamp, so having spares just makes sense. We have sold hundred of Break-Aways over the years, and have sold 3-4 times as many clamps. Keep one secured in your travel case and you will always have a spare.
The Hinge Clamp is used at the compression junction on Break-Away down tubes (near the bottom bracket). Never grease or lubricate this clamp. The hinge allows for simple installation, and the Allen bolt tightens the clamp down. Simple. The various size Down Tube Hinge Clamps are specific to Break-Away models. See the lists below to select the correct clamp for your Break-Away, and enjoy traveling with your bike!
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- Ritchey Break-Away specific clamp for locking compression of down tube junction
- Hinged design for simple installation and alignment
- Allen bolt secures clamp
- Never grease or lubricate the clamp or joint surfaces
- Clamp sizes are specific to Break-Away models
- 31.8mm (black): use with Steel Road and CX Break-Away bikes prior to 2012 models
- 34.9mm (black): use with Ti-Carbon Road, Titanium Cross – all years, as well as with Model year 2012 and newer Steel Break-Away frames
- 41.5mm (silver): use only with full carbon Break-Away