Equipment > Components > Chains > Chain Links / Pins

When sizing, installing, or replacing a Shimano 10 speed chain you need a proper, specific chain pin for fastening the link. Shimano has largely eschewed quick-links, in the firm belief that a properly driven replacement pin is the most effective way to reconnect a chain.
Each 10 speed chain pin has a distinct 2-line design at the narrow end, making them visually recognizable at a glance. This 3-pack of 10 speed pins work with every Shimano 10 speed chain except the Dura-Ace CN-7800 first generation 10 speed chain, directional or not. Chain pins should be driven with chain tools that are designed for compatibility.
When installed properly the driven end sits in the chain nearly flush, and the guide end is then removed by folding that end off. Always work the chain by hand to ensure that the link has free movement and visually inspect to make sure both plates are properly in-line with the chain. Every time you install a pin you should be using fresh outerplates. Never drive out a replacement pin then install a new one in the same link. If you need to break the chain, move as far opposite a pin driven link as possible to create your new junction.
Return to TopFeatures
- Pack of 3 steel chain pins for all Shimano 10 speed chains except CN-7800
- Works with directional or bi-directional chains
- 10 speed pins easily identified by a pair of lines at the guide end
- Always use a fresh outer plates and use a compatible tool for installation
- Every cyclist with a Shimano 10 speed drivetrain should have a 3-pack at home
- Shimano Part#: Y08X98031