Equipment > Components > Derailleurs > Road - Rear

The RD-R7000 is the first generation 105 component to receive Shimano's Shadow derailleur design. The unique Shadow design sits much closer to the frame and under the cassette providing much quicker and accurate shifting. The plane the derailleur travels when shifted is now linear and void of excess movement. Shadow results in shorter throw which in turn, provides quicker and more precise shifts with less effort, even over the wider spread of the 11-34. The B-link standard hanger mount can be uncoupled from the direct mount pivot if your frame accepts the direct mount system. The RD-R7000 incorporates the direct mount option, which eliminates the B-link assembly and pivot, creating a stouter interface between frame and derailleur that results in even crisper shifting.
The 105 RD-R7000 Shadow Rear Derailleur comes in two sizes, SS (short cage), and GS (mid-cage). Cassettes of 11-25 through 11-30 are compatible with the SS version, while GS model works with 11-28 through 11-34. This set-up is also fully compatible with Dura-R9100 or R8000 drivetrains.
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- Road 11-speed Shadow-style short cage rear derailleur in SS/GS models
- Compact Shadow derailleur design
- Designed for traditional hanger systems, and direct mount option (remove B-link)
- B-Axle is stainless steel, with incredible stiffness
- Cable routing cleaner, more direct from frame to cable stop, stop has barrel adjuster
- Total CR Capacity: 35T Short Cage / 39T Medium Cage
- SS works with 11-25 through 11-30 cassettes
- GS works with 11-28 through 11-34 cassettes
- Weight: 232 grams (GS / Medium Cage)