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The movement towards making indoor training more effective, more stimulating, and enjoyable is not new. What is is new is that there is a company that has been built around developing that experience and creating new tools and pathways to success. Virtually every road cyclist has at least heard of the KICKR Power Trainer and more than a few own one. The KICKR, the ELEMNT head unit, and 3rd party app control (Zwift, Trainer Road, etc) built out the foundation of Wahoo's power training ecosystem. Now with the addition of the KICKR CLIMB, you can add manual or programmed control of the CLIMB unit to raise the front of your bike up and down to simulate ascent's up to 20% and descents down to -10%*. Course profiles from rides saved the ELEMNT-series computers, and from the 3rd party apps that can essentially do the same. As you engage with the course on screen CLIMB follows the undulations of the road. Or in manual mode you can change the height position via wired handlebar mount to your preference.
In other words, the KICKR CLIMB is not an extra fancy riser block. Changing the height alone at the very least allows you to adapt to new pressure points on the hands, the saddle and stresses core, arm and shoulder muscles. Add in the changing effort levels and resistance manually or as required by an app, and you have a much more comprehensive training system, one that you react and engage with. Combined with potential simulation or video of app-based training and now the former self-imposed punishment of indoor captures your mind, changes your mental and physical approach and gives you a more enjoyable, goal-oriented training regime. That is what Wahoo has been building towards, and is continuing to release new tools such as the KICKR Headwind Smart Fan to enhance the experience.
With the rear of your bike mounted into a direct-drive system Wahoo approved KICKR series trainer**, to use the CLIMB, you select the supplied adapters for any front axle configuration to mount the front dropouts to the CLIMB unit. Now your bike is fully supported by Wahoo devices. The approved trainers provide the stability required, while the CLIMB serves just as a front wheel would. It is as stable as any bike on a direct drive trainer- in other words, pretty darn stable. The reason not all Wahoo KICKR's are CLIMB approved is that Wahoo had to develop the rear dropout connection system to rotate freely, preventing friction damage to your frame. The KICKR is actually the smart controller for both the KICKR itself and the CLIMB, so you pair your ELEMNT or 3rd party app to the KICKR as normal. You use the set-up on the CLIMB's remote to connect the CLIMB to the KICKR.
The CLIMB does have it's own power transformer, so you need to make sure you two available outlets for use. The unit features a motor which drives the up and down action, or acts as a brake as required. Wahoo has worked diligently to make the movement and reaction as safe and natural feeling as possible. Early prototypes were too fast, and could be a little jerky- no more. The response to input is smooth and appropriate at all times. Likely the oddest feeling you will experience is the descent range but it is just the lack of familiarity and you will adjust easily. The point is that Wahoo has taken the time to deliver a unit that is fully functional, with excellent quality and reliability. Yes, it is not inexpensive, but we aren't talking about a producing a million widgets, but a specialty item, new to the world, that can be a true asset in your training or fitness experience. How much have you spent on a jersey and bibs that might only last a season or two? We know from the success of the KICKR that Wahoo delivers a reliable, durable product. The KICKR CLIMB will be as well. It represents Wahoo's commitment to developing their product ecosystem in service of the best indoor training system available today.
Return to TopFeatures
- Innovative powered tower that raises and lowers the front of your bike to simulate ascents or descents with real-time grade changes
- Climbing workouts and virtual courses are now more realistic
- Controlled manually by wired remote, automatically by ELEMNT head unit or 3rd party apps that feature elevation/grade data
- System connects only via approved KICKR-series trainers, with app or head unit connection, CLIMB connects to KICKR via function on it's wired remote
- Unlock Mode allows the CLIMB to react to grade changes from external sources such as Zwift or TrainerRoad, or from your ELEMNT or ELEMNT BOLT GPS bike computer
- Lock Mode ensures the KICKR CLIMB will only respond to commands received from the remote
- ELEMNT, ELEMNT BOLT can control system from saved or downloaded courses or workouts- not open to other company's head units
- Max Incline 20%, Max Decline 10% viewed in metric of "Current Grade
- *Exact grade changes dependent on bicycle size, wheel size and trainer type*
- Compatible with approved KICKR trainers ONLY
- **2018 KICKR (Released 7/18), 2017 KICKR (released 8/17), 2018 KICKR CORE (Released 7/18), 2017 KICKER SNAP (released 7/17); if you aren't sure of your unit, visit Wahoo's website to verify via serial number
- Wireless Software Updates via KICKR (ANT+/ BLE)
- 3rd Party App compatible when paired to approved KICKR-series trainer
- Slight motor noise, only when moving up or down- very quiet
- Supported front dropouts via provided adapters: 9/130 QR, 12x100 TA, 15x100 TA, 15x110 TA
- Includes: CLIMB, wired remote, dropout adapters, steel quick release, power adapter
- Dimensions: 25.75" H x 5.1" W x 7" L
- Weight: 22 lbs